In this article, we will tell you what a papilloma is and how to remove it.

Papillomas are benign growths that result from infection with HPV (human papilloma virus).
Characteristics of the disease
More than half of the world's population are carriers of the virus. More than a hundred different types of this disease are known. In most cases, the virus is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person (air, water, physical contact). Unprotected intercourse can cause anogenital HPV infection. Self-infection is one of the ways in which the virus enters the body, because disrupting the integrity of skin growth leads to the entry of bacteria into the skin or directly into the human body.
People with a weak or weakened immune system are at greater risk of infection. Systematic fatigue, insomnia, overload, stress are factors that weaken the body, exposing it to the risk of infection.
The risk of HPV infection is the duration of the incubation period of the disease. Symptoms may appear after a few months or even years, which precludes treatment because the patient is unaware of the disease. But there is one positive factor of the disease - the possibility of self-healing before the onset of symptoms.
The biggest fear of HPV infection is the oncological component. Many types of viruses are benign, but some of them contain tumor markers. This risk leads most patients to medical facilities, although treating the symptoms at home with the right methods helps kill the virus and resolve skin growths.
What is the best way to remove papillomas and what will help destroy the virus?

Why remove papillomas?
We will first consider the consequences of papilloma removal. A small scar on the body is removed with cosmetics or plastic surgery. Although modern methods of papilloma removal involve elimination without further physical defects.
Many patients are interested in answering the question "Does papilloma removal hurt? ". It all depends on which papilloma removal methods you choose. But even when choosing a surgical method, you can rely on painkillers.
Regardless of the fears, it is necessary to remove the papilla, because:
- untreated growth easily becomes a source of self-infection;
- there is a risk of spreading cancer cells in the body in the case of malignant papilloma;
- HPV is transmitted by home methods, which does not exclude the possibility of infecting people around you (relatives and friends).
If you decide to have a papilloma removed, use the services of a private or public hospital or home remedies for HPV symptoms. The latter are not recommended for use in the case of papillomas on the eyelids, armpits and face - insufficient and poor quality treatment after removal leads to unwanted consequences.

home therapy
Papillomas on the body have long been a problem of our ancestors, which is the reason for the existence of many traditional remedies for removing papillomas. But before you remove the papilla, think about the state of the immune system. Weak body defenses lead to relapses, which become more problematic than the initial symptoms of infection. Patients with HPV should take vitamins, eat natural immunomodulators (fresh berries, fruits) - do everything to increase the body's resistance.
Traditional medicine offers many options for removing papillomas from the body:
Aloe vera extract
Treating papillomas with aloe extract is a simple and painless way. Several times a day it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the fresh juice of the plant, wrapping it with a bandage to the sore spot. The papilloma will disappear within a week.
Adhesive tape or plaster
A strange but effective means of removing papillomas on the body is adhesive tape. The infected area is wrapped with adhesive tape for 4-5 days so that oxygen does not enter the growth. At the end of menstruation, the tape is removed, and the painful area is moistened and washed with a float.
Tea tree
Remove growths with tea tree and eucalyptus oil. A few drops of oil are applied to the papilloma 3-4 times a day until the wound disappears.

The Indians used echinacea to strengthen the body and the immune system. But the body does not need this extract too much. Follow the instructions while taking this medicine.
lemon oil
Lemon essential oils are used on the same principle as tea tree, with one exception - lemon extract is used exclusively for papillomas. This is due to the strong properties of citric acid - if used improperly, there is a risk of skin burns.
Castor oil
There are several ways to use castor oil. You can rub the sore spot several times a day, then the growth will disappear in 10-12 days. By applying a few drops directly on the papilla, the desired result can be achieved in 4-5 days. Mixing castor oil and baking soda is the most effective remedy.
The cake obtained by mixing the two components is attached to the wound with a bandage until it is completely dry. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day and in a few days you will get a positive effect.
banana peel
Treating papillomas by rubbing the growths with fresh banana peel helps fight the virus and eliminate their symptoms.
Celery juice
Long-lasting and effective antiseptic - celandine. The juice of the plant in its pure form has long been used to disinfect wounds. Now you don't have to collect herbs and squeeze their juice - you can buy celandine extract in any pharmacy at a reasonable price. But there is one caveat - before applying the substance to the skin, be sure to lubricate the skin around the wound with moisturizer. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences - skin burns.

Yellow dandelion infusion
The infusion of dandelion in triple cologne is insisted for two weeks in a dry place, hidden from direct sunlight. Then apply a swab moistened in this infusion to the affected area 3-4 times a day.
Fresh Kalanchoe leaves are placed on the nipple and tied with bandages or bandages during sleep or rest. Kalanchoe extract can kill viruses and eliminate their symptoms after 5 such coatings.
A good way to treat papillomas is rowan juice. Rubbing the growth helps to get rid of papillomas after 3-5 days, and taking a small amount of juice inside increases immunity.
Infusion against weed insects
It is enough to add 2-3 tablespoons of weeds in half a liter of boiling water, and then insist the plant for three hours. The tense solution floats the hands and feet affected by the papillomas.
Papilloma removal is performed with wild chestnut trays. Half a bucket of chestnuts is poured over boiling water and infused for 10-14 hours. It is worth bathing no longer than twenty minutes at a water temperature of 45-50 degrees.
Garlic porridge
Chopped garlic is mixed with moisturizer in a ratio of 1 to 2. A similar ointment is applied to the bandage and fixed on the papilla with plaster for 2 hours. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash the lubricated area with soap and water.
Onion infusion
An infusion of onion peel on vinegar is used for rubbing. A similar tincture is kept in a dark place for two weeks. The shell is then applied to the sore spot overnight.

Soda is a universal remedy for the treatment of papilloma virus and their prevention. Soda solutions are used to rinse growths in the oral cavity. Soda pads help in direct contact with the papilloma.
Folk papilloma removal tips work thanks to centuries of testing. Our ancestors tried all possible methods for a long time and found effective ones, but with the progress of medicine, it became possible to study skin growths in more detail - biopsy. With the help of this procedure, an important characteristic of the papilloma is determined - its malignancy.
Bitan! After removing the growths at home, take their remains to the laboratory for histological examination. Especially in cases when the papilloma was large, dark in color or strangely shaped.
medical methods
If you do not believe in folk methods, consult a doctor. Aesculapius will advise what is better to use and how to remove papillomas in a medical way. There are a number of medical methods to solve the problem.
Surgery is a 100% option for eliminating papillomas. The infected area is carefully excised with a scalpel, and the resulting biomaterial is sent for biopsy. But there are several disadvantages of such tools - a small scar after surgery and the irrationality of using surgery with a large number of papillomas.

Electrical removal
Electrocoagulation is a modern method for removing papillomas. Mild tingling during the procedure is the only unpleasant moment of this intervention. Targeted filling quickly kills epidermal tissues and papilloma cells, which instantly eliminates the growth itself. But there are localizations of diseases in which electrotherapy cannot be used. With eyelid papillomas, the skin cannot be exposed to electricity, because its layer is so thin that there is a risk of damage to the eyeball.
Genital papillomas do not recommend the use of electricity to prevent the violation of their functions.
freezing (nitrogen)
Liquid nitrogen is widely used in medicine. Removing papillomas this way is a quick way to get rid of nasty growths on the skin. Deliberate use of liquid nitrogen allows you to eliminate the problem without unnecessary costs and medications. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out by an experienced expert, because liquid nitrogen is an extremely dangerous chemical substance, the improper use of which leads to irreparable consequences.
RF method
The radiofrequency method is painless, but not everyone likes to be exposed to radiation once again.
A popular method in modern medicine using a laser knife. It allows not only clean excision of the problem area, but also prevention of infection through blood. This is possible because the wound is immediately cauterized with a laser.
These methods are suitable for all adults without exception, but if the child is ill, the situation requires a special solution.
Remember! Papilloma removal in children is not recommended by radiofrequency and surgical intervention - there is no need to spoil their health with radiation and cover the skin with scars.
Cryotherapy and laser removal of growths are more suitable for children. But how best to remove growths is a personal choice of each person.

HPV prevention
The main route of infection with anogenital papilloma viruses is sexual intercourse in all its manifestations: classical, oral and anal sex. To avoid this infection, it is necessary to use the standard method of contraception - condoms. Excessive use of oral contraceptives by women leads to side effects, including the same human papilloma virus.
Support immunity in all ways:
- vitamin complexes;
- healthy lifestyle;
- rejection of bad habits.
Any actions that disrupt the body's defenses negatively affect the ability to resist viruses and their consequences.
Follow the rules of hygiene. Regular and quality use of body care products reduces the risk of HPV infection.
HPV vaccination
Vaccination is an effective method of preventing HPV. The best time for vaccination in children who have not had sexual intercourse. But this drug has one drawback - the vaccine fights only a few of the most dangerous HPVs.
Keep your inner peace and keep your nerves. Stressful situations contribute to the active spread of the virus and facilitate the penetration of bacteria into the body.
Eat right. Eat foods rich in vitamins: berries, fresh fruits, carrots, greens. To prevent infection, you need to eat a small amount of garlic or onion.
Places of public recreation are an incubator of all diseases and viruses. HPV can live for a long time in the pool water, on the walls of the bathtub, in the locker room on the beach. Places of high humidity allow the virus to exist even at high temperatures. The next time you go to the gym or pool, think about it and take extra precautions.