Papillomas are a problem that many people face. They can appear on different parts of the body, in some cases they are extremely painful, in some they do not cause discomfort. In any case, they become cosmetic flaws that bring a lot of anxiety. The excitement is not without grounds, because the virus that causes the development of formations on the skin can lead to oncology.
The majority of the world's population is a carrier of HPV. This does not mean that we are threatened by a huge epidemic of cancer and other diseases that can occur on the background of a weakened immune system and the appearance of warts, condyloma and other skin damage. The main task of the patient is to reduce the oncogenic risk. This is possible with regular visits to a dermatovenerologist, conducting the necessary examinations and timely removal of formations.
Why papillomas appear on the body
There are many reasons that lead to the activation of the virus. The most common is a drop in immunity, which causes uncontrolled cell reproduction. This is how innovation comes about.
Persons who are promiscuous, often change partners and do not use reliable contraceptives are also at risk. If a woman has HPV, she will pass it on to her baby during childbirth.
The ways the virus enters the body can be different. This is the already mentioned unprotected intercourse, and skin-to-skin contact with the wearer. That is why it is important to adhere to the simplest hygiene rules: wash your hands after traveling on public transport, do not walk barefoot in swimming pools and saunas, where it is humid and warm - high humidity creates a favorable environment for infection. .

Human papilloma virus: what it is and how it is transmitted
HPV is a virus whose activity is manifested in changing the nature of tissue growth. It enters the body mainly through the mucous membranes:
- mouth - during oral sex;
- genitals - during unprotected intercourse;
- rectum - during anal sex.
As long as a person's immunity is strong enough, the infection does not manifest itself - in this case it is called latent. As soon as the defense decreases, it is activated, causing the cells to proliferate. The result of unbalanced tissue growth is the appearance of neoplasms - benign, threatening to turn into malignant.
The appearance of growths of various shapes and sizes on the skin is the main symptom of human papilloma virus. Condyloma and other types of warts most often appear in those areas that are subjected to mechanical stress, places that are characterized by increased sweating (armpits, palms). They can also appear on the genitals, around the anus.
Main routes of infection
- Sexual - occurs during sexual contact with a person who is a carrier of HPV. The virus can be contracted through oral and anal sex.
- Household - is much rarer, but still one of the main. Infection can be obtained in bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas, showers. It penetrates through wounds, cracks and other damage to the skin.
- Transmission during childbirth - transmission of HPV from mother to child is the rarest case. But it is also one of the most dangerous due to the danger of damage to the respiratory tract.
- Self-infection is also possible - it happens when the infection is transmitted from one part of the body to another (shaving the legs with a machine, removing unwanted hair).
Oncogenic viruses in the body do not indicate the development of cancer. However, they can cause malignant neoplasms. The main factors of carcinogenesis are:
- Promiscuous sex life, many partners - including those with genital lesions with papillomas, condyloma.
- Presence of venereal and fungal diseases.
- Prolonged use of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices.
- Some gynecological diseases (endometriosis).
Are papillomas transmitted, why do they grow and are they dangerous? We have answered all these questions above. Should tumors be removed? Yes, for several reasons:
- These are cosmetic flaws, which, unlike moles, do not add charm, but cause serious discomfort - both mental and physical.
- Since the growths most often occur in places that are exposed to constant friction, mechanical stress from tight shoes, tight clothing, underwear, there is a high risk of damage. And that leads to the introduction of new infections.
- Accumulation of HPV causes a pathological change in the cellular genome, which can lead to oncology and other complications.
We said earlier what a papilloma is and why these neoplasms appear on the body. We advise you to react to any changes in the condition of the skin. At the same time, you should not try to solve the problem yourself in order to avoid the risk of skin infection and transformation of a benign wart into a malignant tumor. Modern medicine has effective non-surgical methods of treatment that will help you forget about cosmetic defects forever and reduce the risk of developing oncology.
Types of papillomas: main types and their characteristics

- Flat nipples are usually round or oval. They practically do not rise above the surface of the epidermis, similar to burns obtained after contact with nettle leaves. They most often occur during puberty. Places of localization: neck, arms, face, lower legs. The color is pink to yellowish. Often such formations itch, causing discomfort.
- Vulgar - the most common variety. They most often appear on the feet, hands, rise above the skin by 3-10 mm. A whole colony of warts can form - from mother and daughter.
- Spiky - most often occur in the anogenital zone, are small growths with a single node or many small formations. Color - pink or red. All neoplasms of different sizes. They are either located directly on the skin, or are attached to it "by foot", cause itching and discomfort and require timely removal. Such warts are called warts and are transmitted through sexual contact.
- Filamentous - these are the papillomas we started talking about at the beginning of the article. They most often occur in people over the age of 35, and their growth increases with age. This phenomenon has another name - chords. These are growths in the form of threads on the skin that look like a small knot, gradually growing and becoming oval, more and more elongated. This type of wart occurs in areas with thin skin that easily creates wrinkles, as well as in places that are characterized by excessive sweating - on the neck, armpits, under the chest, in the groin, near the eyes, on the eyelids, etc. .
- Bladder and urethral papillomas - most common neoplasms of this type occur in men. Symptoms: pain during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, hematuria. Large growths can be removed by surgical excision. In this case, the diagnosis and treatment is not dealt with by a dermatovenerologist, but by a urologist.
- Defeat of the larynx, trachea, oral cavity - in this case, the nipples look like papillae, which gradually grow, which leads to a reduction in the lumen of the airways. If the vocal cords are affected, speech impairment is possible. This type of manifestation of the virus is especially dangerous for infants, who can be infected with it during childbirth from the mother who transmitted the infection to the newborn.
We examined the types of papillomas and the reasons for their appearance on the body, discovered why and where non-aesthetic neoplasms originate, why they are dangerous. It remains to be understood how to get rid of a cosmetic defect that can lead to serious complications.
Diagnostic characteristics
To find out which method will be the most effective, consult a dermatovenerologist. He will prescribe an HPV test (PCR). The method used is one of the most informative. It will help identify DNA infections in samples of various secretions, as well as determine the type of virus.
You may also need:
- Colposcopy.
- smear for cytology.
- Histological analysis.
What methods remove papillomas?
- Cauterization - is produced by special preparations, which include highly purified chemicals - active components that affect neoplasms.
- Liquid nitrogen removal - exposure of the affected area of skin at low temperatures. There is an immediate freezing of the damaged area, due to which the site of neoplasm formation loses sensitivity, from pink or reddish to white. After a few weeks, the nitrogen-treated area healed. Disadvantage of this method: difficulty in determining the depth of exposure.
- Laser removal - in this case the papillomas are burned with a laser beam. After the session, a small wound remains on the skin that needs to be treated regularly. It heals within a few weeks after cauterization. There is no rehabilitation period, because the regeneration processes take place without the intervention of experts. At the same time, scars and scars do not remain at the site of wart localization. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not prescribed for various injuries of the epidermis, herpes and infectious diseases. Pregnancy is a contraindication for laser cauterization.
- Electrocoagulation is another method based on exposure to electricity. High temperature causes destruction of the papilloma. However, with this skin treatment, healthy areas are inevitably valued, which prolongs the healing time.
- Surgical removal - is prescribed if the neoplasms have grown to large sizes and other methods are ineffective. The doctor uses local anesthesia. Sutures are placed after the operation. They are removed a week after the nipple is removed.
- Folk methods - most often from papillomas use the juice of celandine, vinegar, garlic. This is believed to help burn the neoplasm. These methods are unsafe and cannot reduce the risk of recurrence. They often cause damage to healthy parts of the skin around the growths. We advise you not to engage in self-medication, but to consult a doctor in time - only he can determine which of the following methods is the most effective in solving the problem.
Dermatovenereologists often ask if it is possible to get rid of HPV permanently, which causes unpleasant rashes. We remind you that the virus itself, which is in the human body and causes uncontrolled cell reproduction, cannot be removed - it remains in it and will manifest itself in moments of weakening the immune system, during hormonal disorders, during stress. As such, the treatment of the infection itself has not yet been invented. Only its external manifestations are eliminated - warts, papillomas and other types of warts.
The main task of HPV carriers is to reduce the risk of recurrence. For this you need:
- Follow the rules of personal hygiene - including intimate.
- Use condoms during sexual intercourse, avoid promiscuity.
- Maintain body defenses.
- Avoid direct contact with carriers of the infection.
Among the agents whose action helps to get rid of papillomas and reduce the risk of their recurrence is a drug that contains anti-inflammatory cytokines that block the synthesis of viral proteins. You can also use this cream at home - it is applied once a day during the treatment prescribed by your doctor.
Filiform warts are a phenomenon that signals the need for a complete examination of the body. Don’t forget that and go to the doctor on time. Delay increases the risk of developing cancer. Do not try to remove neoplasms yourself - folk methods are not very effective and can not guarantee the complete disappearance of clumps. In addition, they can cause serious skin irritation, damage, which will cause secondary infection and worsen the situation. Use only those methods advised by an expert. Combined with preventative measures, it will help avoid recurrences and forget about the problem for many years to come.